Conscious Coping is the balance you will find

when you pay attention to your mind

and you treat yourself kind.

Are you ready to...

Stop fighting your mental health.

Your mental health is a real thing. It is an important part of you that deserves to be cared for, tended to and validated. Instead of spending all your energy fighting your mental health challenges and judging yourself for facing them, what if you used all that energy to care for yourself instead?

Build a healthier relationship with yourself.

It's time to learn how to really love and care for yourself in a way authentic to you. But spoiler alert, being rude to yourself only gets you so far to building a healthy relationship with yourself. Time to ditch those toxic patterns and build a real, honest and vulnerable relationship with yourself.

Trust the ultimate expert on you... you.

There are many who will tell you that they know what you and your mental health need, how you should live, and how you should be. But you alone are the expert on you. Learning to trust yourself takes time and care, conscious coping gives you the framework to get it done once and for all.

Cultivate a new way of being.

When you shift to conscious coping you change the way you engage with yourself. There is no "quick-fix" when it comes to your mental health, When you accept what is, and approach your unique mental health journey with compassion and curiosity you give yourself the opportunity to embrace and learn from your mental health.

If you are ready for any of the above

You are ready for Conscious Coping.

Get the Life Changing Book Now


"An innovative idea based on solid foundations, and any reader who is struggling to cope with challenges will find it helpful."

"A gold mine of mental health coping knowledge... should be made a part of psychology college curriculum!"

"I highly recommend it to every person regardless of age."

Conscious Coping

How to stop fighting your mental health, embrace your challenges, and learn a new way to cope.

"Conscious Coping" presents a groundbreaking approach to maintaining mental well-being. Authored by Laurie Sharp-Page, an experienced psychotherapist, entrepreneur, and avid advocate for coping strategies, this book offers a fresh perspective and framework for addressing mental health and navigating life's diverse obstacles. Through relatable examples and personal storytelling, "Conscious Coping" guides readers on a journey of self-discovery, equipping them with valuable insights, knowledge, and practical tools throughout the process.

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